Servant Ministries, Inc.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Serving HIM, By Serving You!
New TestamentWhile the goal of Walk Thru the Old Testament is to get people into the Word, the ambition of Walk Thru the New Testament is to get Christians into the world. Your heart will be moved as you put the events of the life of Jesus Christ in order. Your soul will be stirred as you walk with Paul on his missionary journeys and place in order the events of the early Church. Learning the success stories of Christians that have gone before you will give you courage to reach your lost world. Alumni who have attended Walk Thru the Old Testament and those who are attempting their first "walk" will be impressed, entertained, and educated with the same wonderful techniques that made the Old Testament "walk" so memorable. Important concepts are taught by using hand signs, catch phrases and group reviews.
By the end of the day participants will have studied the significance of the 400 silent years dividing the Old and New Testaments, considered each gospel individually and together as the most significant biography ever written, and unlocked powerful and applicable lessons from the lives of beloved Bible characters. Most attendees are usually so moved by the conclusion of Walk Thru the New Testament, that over eighty percent of them will commit to read their Bibles and pray daily for at least thirty days.
Inserts for bulletins & newsletters: See NT File Host an Event
Encouragement for after your NT Seminar, to help you read, review and reflect upon the important information you've learned. Please use this video to help you review your handsigns. NT REVIEW
Also, here is a link to the continuation of your 30-day adventure with God! 30-Day Adventure